
Cumberland Full Council 18 April 2023

Last week was the first ‘proper’ meeting of the new Cumberland Council. 

For the last year, Cumberland has been a ‘shadow authority’, but since 1 April the Council has taken over local services from former councils like Cumbria County Council and Carlisle City Council. 

This was ‘Annual Council’ where appointments are made to the Council leadership and also to Committees. Labour (who are majority on the Council) continue to form the Council’s Executive and Councillor Carni McCarron-Holmes, who represents Maryport North, is to be the Council Chair (a position similar to Mayor in other Councils). 

I’ll be continuing as Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on the Council, and I have been appointed to represent you on the Standards and Governance Committee (where I’ll be the Vice-Chair) and on the Cumbria-wide Cumbria Police, Fire and Crime Panel, which is where policing and fire issues are considered. 

Full papers for the meeting are here:…

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